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Ponce de León Solis, Viviana:
Social Security in Chile - General Overview, Social Law Reports, Heft 4, 2023.
Mendizabal Bermudez, Gabriela:
Significant Changes: Improvement of Rights and Social Protection for Workers in Mexico, Social Law Reports, Heft 3, 2023.
Domenici, Irene; Busatta, Lucia; Domenici, Irene; Busatta, Lucia; Domenici, Irene; Busatta, Lucia:
Criteri allocativi e scelte tragiche in sanità: quale lezione dalla pandemia?, in: Rivista italiana di cure palliative, (2023) 25, S. 233-238.
Fletcher, Michael:
From Pandemic to Cost-of-Living Crisis: Social Legislation and Policy Developments in New Zealand, Social Law Reports, Heft 2, 2023.
Domenici, Irene; Domenici, Irene; Domenici, Irene; Domenici, Irene; Domenici, Irene; Domenici, Irene; Domenici, Irene:
Verso il ripensamento del compromesso sull’aborto in Germania. Riflessioni sulla recente abolizione del divieto di informare sulle procedure abortive, in: BioLaw Journal - Rivista di BioDiritto, (2023) 1S, S. 461-471.
Gaffron, Shari:
Die Sonderregelungen für die Anerkennung von Unterkunftskosten junger Erwachsener: Ein Impuls zur Revision, in: Die Sozialgerichtsbarkeit, 2023 (2023) 10, S. 609-616.
Carney, Terry:
Australia 2022: Towards a Modest Reset?, Social Law Reports, Heft 1, 2023.
Mittlaender Leme de Souza, Sergio Rubens:
Special pension schemes for workers in arduous and hazardous jobs: Functions and conditions to ensure equal treatment, in: International Social Security Review, 76 (2023) 1, S. 17.
Chesalina, Olga:
Exploring the Right to Disconnect in European Labour Law and in the Legislation of the Member States - Just a Matter of Working Time of Employees?, in: Woźniak-Jęchorek, Beata (Hrsg.), Digital Labour Markets in Central and Eastern European Countries, New York, London 2023, S. 193-209.
D'Alfonso Masarié, Edoardo:
Nation ist auch im Wahlrecht kein Muss, 25.03.2023,



