Assistance in Material Need | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC

Assistance in Material Need

Pomoc v hmotnej núdzi

1 Persons are not covered by the scheme if: they are in custody, in the execution of a custodial sentence, in the execution of detention or if placed in a facility based on a decision on detention; if they are members of a community, order, society or similar community founded by a church or religious society, if, according to their internal regulations, they have basic living conditions (i.e. one hot meal a day, the necessary clothing and shelter); if they participate in a foreign study program or study stay provided through a scholarship or grant if they have obtained a second-cycle university degree and have basic living conditions under the conditions of the foreign study program or the study stay.

Legal Basis: Act No. 417/2013 Coll. on Assistance in Material Need and on Amendments to Certain Acts (Zákon o pomoci v hmotnej núdzi); Act No. 601/2003 Coll. on Subsistence Minimum and Amendments to Certain Acts (Zákon o životnom minime).