Voluntary Pension Scheme | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC

Voluntary Pension Scheme

Sistemul pensiilor facultative

1 Individual act of accession: a written contract concluded between the person and the administrator of the fund, containing the person’s agreement to the partnership contract and the prospectus of the optional pension scheme.

2 The contribution is based on the pension fund’s own assets and does not interfere with the persons' accumulated capital.

Legal Basis: Law No. 204/2006 regarding optional pensions (Legea nr. 204/2006 privind pensiile facultative); Law No. 187/2011 on the establishment, organisation and operation of the Private Pension Guarantee Fund (Legea nr. 187/2011 privind înființarea, organizarea și funcționarea Fondului de garantare a drepturilor din sistemul de pensii private).