Occupational Pension | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC

Occupational Pensions


1Ceasing of occupational pension: The pension is part of the salary; therefore, pension savings cease in connection with job change, dismissal or leave. Termination of the pension contribution does not entail termination of the pension scheme. The pension customer will continue to have the right to participate in the pension scheme, but not the insurances. Most often, the pension customer can choose between: (1) continuing the pension as a private scheme where the pension customer pays contribution, (2) switching to a scheme where the insurance coverage continues for a period and is paid by the pension depository, (3) switching to a scheme where the insurance cover lapses but where the pension deposit continues to exist, or (4) to transfer the scheme to another pension scheme under which the pension customer is covered through a new employment relationship.

Legal Basis: Regulated by collective agreements  (Overenskomstbaseret).