MEA-Workshop: "Overlapping Generation Models and Uncertainty - Theory, Policy Applications and Computation" | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC

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02.12.2005 / Sozialpolitik (MEA)

MEA-Workshop: "Overlapping Generation Models and Uncertainty - Theory, Policy Applications and Computation"

„Overlapping Generation Models and Uncertainty - Theory, Policy Applications and Computation”

MEA is organizing a Workshop on „Overlapping Generation Models and Uncertainty - Theory, Policy Applications and Computation”. Large-scale computable Overlapping Generations Models are increasingly used for applied economic analysis. Our goal is to bring the leading researchers on these topics to Mannheim for a focused two-day conference.

The workshop will take place at the University of Mannheim on December 2 and 3, 2005.

The program for the conference can be found here.

By train it takes just 30 minutes to get from Frankfurt International Airport to Mannheim. The conference room (see below) and the hotel are both located within 5 minutes of walking distance from Mannheim main station. For train connections Frankfurt - Mannheim see

The conference will take place in the main building of the Economics department in L7, 3-5, on the 5th floor. If you arrive by train, turn left at the station’s main gate. Proceed along this street through the parking area until you reach a large glass building (ZEW) in block L7. Neighbouring to this building on the right, you will find the Economics building.

If you need further information or if you have any questions please contact:

Dr. Alexander Ludwig
Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging, MEA University of Mannheim
L13, 17
68131 Mannheim
Phone: ++49/(0)621-181-1866
Fax: ++49/(0)621-181-1863
Email: ludwig [at]