Schere zwischen Alt und Jung bei Sozialleistungen
Im Hinblick auf unser Sozialsystem öffnet sich die Schere in der Gesellschaft weniger zwischen Arm und Reich als zwischen Alt und Jung, erklärt Prof. Axel Börsch-Supan, Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut
SHARE Data Release 8.0.0 is now available!
New data set includes SHARE Corona Survey 2 - Data from the second SHARE Corona Survey are now available. The second SHARE Corona Survey re-interviewed respondents of the first SHARE Corona Survey ena
Call for Papers: Aging and Health
Conference on Aging and Health, June 8-10, 2022 – Munich, Germany Falling birth rates and rising survival rates at older ages are contributing to an aging of populations in developed nations. While th
Dr. Simone Schneider Receives ERC Starting Grant
The research project "The (Mis)Perception of Economic Inequality" (PERGAP) by Dr. Simone Schneider will be funded with a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) of about 1.5 million eu