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Out now: The latest issue of our MPISOC SSRN e-Journal, dedicated to the topic of interdisciplinarity. All texts are available for download on the SSRN website of our institute. If you would like to keep up to date with the latest papers in this series, please subscribe to our regular e-journal via this link.


The new Research Report of the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy is out now! The publication provides an overview of the Institute's scientific projects from 2021 - 2023 and is available for download on our website.

Latest News

27.09.2024 Sozialrecht EN

"The Europeans-only exclusion rule is illegitimate"

Nothing less than the fundaments of the European Union were questioned by Andrea Sangiovanni, Professor of Philosophy at King's College London, in his recent lecture "The EU excludes non-European countries from accession: Is it right to do so?". The…

22.07.2024 Sozialrecht EN

"In the EU, you get nothing for nothing"

Prof. Brigid Laffan Traces the Evolvement of EU's Fiscal and Financial Capacity


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Visualising the Institutional Structure of Old Age Security

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