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Publication Series of the MPI for Social Law



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Chesalina, Olga:
Psychosocial Risks and Mental Health of Employed Persons in the Post-Covid World of Work, in: Work Beyond the Pandemic. Towards a Human-Centred Recovery 2023.
Arvate, Paulo; Lenz, Lisa; Mittlaender Leme de Souza, Sergio Rubens:
Strategic discrimination and the emergence of systematic exclusion, in: Empirical Economics, (2023).
Becker, Ulrich:
A proteção do clima, o Tribunal Constitucional Federal e o futuro do Estado Social, in: Revista Brasileira de Direitos Fundamentais & Justiça, 18 (2023), p. 31-51.
Becker, Ulrich:
Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit, in: Ehlers, Dirk; Germelmann, Claas-Friedrich (eds.), Europäische Grundrechte und Grundfreiheiten, Berlin 2023, pp. 1313-1352.
Becker, Ulrich:
Réformes et options de réforme dans le régime légal de retraite alle-mand, in: RDSS, (2023), p. 671-679.
Sallaba, Roman Rick:
De l’« allocation de chômage II » au « revenu de citoyenneté » en Allemagne, in: RDCTSS 2023/3, S. 170 ff, (2023).
Domenici, Irene; Domenici, Irene:
Sustainability of Conscientious Objection: The Case of Abortion in the Italian Healthcare System, 13.12.2023,
Between Ethical Oversight and State Neutrality: Introducing Controversial Technologies into the Public Healthcare Systems of Germany, Italy and England
Sallaba, Roman Rick:
Die Bürgerliche Gesellschaft und der internalisierende Sozialstaat, in: Rechtstheorie 54, (2023).


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