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The new Research Report of the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy is out now! The publication provides an overview of the Institute's scientific projects from 2021 - 2023 and is available for download on our website.


The Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy has moved! Our new address is: Marstallstraße 11 in 80539 Munich. Phone numbers and email addresses remain the same.

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17.06.2024 Sozialrecht EN

Irene Domenici awarded Otto Hahn Medal

The Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy congratulates its scientist Dr. Irene Domenici on receiving the Otto Hahn Medal. The Max Planck Society (MPS) awards the prize, which is endowed with 7,500 euros, for outstanding achievements…

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Fiscal Integration in the EU: The consequences of 'legal acrobatics'

In the recent past, several crises have accelerated the European Union's (EU) pursuit of fiscal integration, notably the Euro area crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. In light of the practical impossibility of amending the EU Treaties, this has…

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