Stephanie Scholz | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC
Social Law

Department of Foreign and International Social Law

Stephanie Scholz


Further Information

  • Publications

Publications have only been fully recorded in the database since 2003. Older publications that may have been published are included in the download PDF on this page.


Edited Book

Schulte, Bernd/Linzbach, Christoph/Lübking, Uwe/Scholz, Stephanie (eds.) :
Globalisierung und europäisches Sozialmodell, Baden-Baden 2007.
Linzbach, Christoph/Lübking, Uwe/Scholz, Stephanie/Schulte, Bernd (eds.) :
Die Zukunft der sozialen Dienste vor der europäischen Herausforderung, Baden-Baden 2005.