Vlijanie faktorov global'noj rynochnoj jekonomiki na razvitie sovremennyh nacional'nyh sistem social'nogo obespechenija: pravovye problem (Factors of Global Market Economy and their Influence on Development of Modern National System of Social Security: Legal Problems) | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC

Publication Series of the MPI for Social Law

Vlijanie faktorov global'noj rynochnoj jekonomiki na razvitie sovremennyh nacional'nyh sistem social'nogo obespechenija: pravovye problem (Factors of Global Market Economy and their Influence on Development of Modern National System of Social Security: Legal Problems)

Publication Details

Olga Chesalina

M. Fedorova

S. 77-84
Herald of the Euro-Asian Law Congress