Bavarian Culture Prize for Daniela Schweigler | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC

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07.11.2013 / Sozialrecht EN

Bavarian Culture Prize for Daniela Schweigler

Dr. Daniela Schweigler has been awarded the Bavarian Culture Prize 2013 in the category of universities for her dissertation “Das Recht auf Anhörung eines bestimmten Arztes (§ 109 SGG) – Dogmatische Einordnung und sozialgerichtliche Praxis eines umstrittenen Prozessinstruments“ [The Right to Hear a Specific Physician (Section 109 SGG) – Dogmatic Classification of a Controversial Procedural Instrument with Regard to Social Court Practice]. The prize is awarded annually by Bayernwerk AG together with the Bavarian State Ministry of Education, Cultural Affairs, Science and the Arts for excellence in science and the arts.

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