Survey Experts Network | Munich Center for the Economics of Aging - MEA
01.10.2015 - 30.07.2019 / SHARE - Infrastructure

Survey Experts Network

The ‘SERISS Survey Experts Network’ brought together survey practitioners and academic researchers and provided a platform to discuss how to tackle specific challenges in survey methodology and data harmonisation. It aimed to exploit synergies by exchanging knowledge and practice in state-of-the-art survey research and to explore opportunities for possible future cooperation between different organisations. The Network was organised around a series of annual thematic workshops: ‘Representing the population in surveys’ (2016 Munich), 'Harmonised coding for socio-economic survey questions' (2017 Amsterdam), ‘Legal and ethical issues of combining survey data with new forms of data’ (2018 London), 'Survey fiedwork cost' (2019 The Hague).