Social Cohesion, Social Networks and Later Life Health | Munich Center for the Economics of Aging - MEA
01.08.2012 - 30.04.2014 / SHARE

Social Cohesion, Social Networks and Later Life Health

Following a multilevel approach we examine the associations between social network characteristics, social cohesion and self-rated health of older populations in 15 European countries based on the fourth wave of SHARE. The aim of the project is to contribute to the discourse on healthy and active ageing in ageing societies by examining the relation between (a) the composition of (family) networks, (b) social support and (c) activities and self-rated health in older age on the individual level. The societal embeddedness of healthy ageing is considered by introducing (d) cultural factors such as social cohesion on a country level. A related publication is still in progress (“revise and resubmit” Social Indicators Research). This project is a cooperation with Karsten Hank and Christian Deindl (Universität zu Köln).
Contact Person(s)

Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt

Presentations and Contributions
Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt
Sozialer Zusammenhalt, soziale Netzwerke und Gesundheit im Alter