SHARE External Communications | Munich Center for the Economics of Aging - MEA
SHARE - Infrastructure

SHARE External Communications

The relevance of Public Relation work for SHARE has continuously grown over the years. Since 2015, Andrea Oepen has been coordinating the Public Relations activities of SHARE within the European Relations Unit. From the end of 2017 until February of 2020, Philipp Beck joined the PR team as PR officer. Veronika Máté joined the team in January 2018 also as a PR officer. In March 2020 Julia Knoblechner followed Philipp Beck as member of the SHARE Public Relations team. In the online area, new communication measures were developed to optimally convey SHARE's content and competencies to defined target groups. A SHARE blog initiated in May 2018 features scientific contributions based on SHARE data and is explicitly aimed at the international research community, which can exchange ideas and information on this portal. The SHARE Impact Movie, produced in July 2018, explains the socio-economic impact of the survey to politicians in a compact and understandable way. To bring together research and politics, the unit organised a press conference for the publication of SHARE’s First Result Book for Wave 7 in Brussels. Furthermore, several printed documents for different target groups were developed, such as respondent brochures and flyers, conference booklets and the SHARE-ERIC Annual Activity Reports. The PR Unit was further responsible for the documentation of SHARE-based publications and SHARE user statistics.

Contact Person(s)

Ass. jur. Andrea Oepen

Presentations and Contributions
Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt
Zentrale Buchpublikationen des Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe
Dr. Stefan Gruber
The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement (SHARE Deutschland)
Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt
Introduction to SHARE Wave 4
Dr. Stefan Gruber
Posterpräsentation zu easySHARE
Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt
An introduction to SHARE
PR Updates
Assessing Socio-economic Impact in SHARE
SHARE Public Relations