Dr. Simone Schneider Receives ERC Starting Grant
The research project "The (Mis)Perception of Economic Inequality" (PERGAP) by Dr. Simone Schneider will be funded with a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) of about 1.5 million eu
Die Verdrängung des demographischen Wandels
Rückschritt statt Fortschritt: Die deprimierende Rentenpolitik der Ampelkoalition Von Axel Börsch-Supan Der Koalitionsvertrag der Ampelparteien hat 177 Seiten. Davon sind gerade einmal zwei Seiten dem
Sports Associations and Human Rights
Hamburg Forum on Sports Law: The role of Corporate Social Responsibility and Athlete Organizations - Sport, it is said, connects people across all borders. On the basis of this principle, sports assoc