Social Assistance in Material Need | Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik - MPISOC

Social Assistance in Material Need

Систем социјалне заштите за лица која се налазе у стању социјалне потребе

1 Income on the basis of employment, i.e. salaries, or wage compensations, occasional and temporary jobs and employment contracts; pensions; disability benefits and other incomes according to the regulations on the rights from veteran disability protection; income from agricultural activities; income from self-employment; unemployment benefit; severance pay in case of termination of the need for work of employees due to technological, economic or organisational changes; income from leasing real estate; income from property rights on which tax is paid; deposits given in savings and cash.

2 An individual will be entitled to financial social assistance if there is no other real estate, except for housing that meets the needs of the individual or his/her family, i.e. land in an area of up to 0.5 hectares; if the individual or family member has not sold or donated immovable property or waived the right to inherit immovable property; if an individual, i.e. a family member, does not own movable property, the use or alienation of which, without endangering basic living needs, may provide funds in the amount of six times the amount of financial social assistance that would be determined at the time of applying for financial social assistance; if the individual, i.e. the family member, has not concluded a contract on lifelong support.

Legal Basis: Law on Social Protection (Закон о социјалној заштити) ‘Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia’, No. 24/2011; Regulation on Income and Revenues that Affect the Exercise of the Right to Financial Social Assistance (Уредба o примањима и приходима који су од утицаја на остваривање права на новчану социјалну помоћ), ‘Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia’, No. 36/2011.