The interrelationship between education and aging | Munich Center for the Economics of Aging - MEA
Life-Cycle Decisions
In Kooperation mit MEA

The interrelationship between education and aging

In this project we explore the dynamics of decisions on education and the impact they may have on the hampering the negative effects of the process of demographic change. We first show how important is to incorporate education decisions for determining the right impact of aging population in output and in the main macroeconomic variables in an economy. Then, we compare different countries at different stages of development and with demographic structure and show where education and increased of skilled labor among population have a more decisive impact. Moreover, we show how the effects of policies targeting education decisions and changes in demographics differ according to the reaction of young individuals on whether going or not to college.

This project will be published first as a MEA Discussion paper and it will be published later in a peer-reviewed journal.


Dr. Duarte Nuno Semedo Leite


Prof. Dr. Uwe Sunde