Filter | Munich Center for the Economics of Aging - MEA



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Coppola, Michela (2014): "Peer pressure", In: Real World Decision Making: An Encyclopedia of Behavioral Economics, ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA.
Börsch-Supan, Axel (2014): "Rational Pension Reform", In: Harper, Sarah (ed.), International Handbook on Ageing and Public Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK and USA, pp. 140 - 152.
Börsch-Supan, Axel; Schuth, Morten (2014): "Early Retirement, Mental Health, and Social Neworks", In: Discoveries in the Economics of Aging, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp. 225 - 254.
Deindl, Christian; Brandt, Martina; Hank, Karsten (2014): "Generationen in Europa: Theoretische Perspektiven und empirische Befunde", In: Arránz Becker, Oliver (ed.), Familie im Fokus der Wissenschaft, Springer VS.
Franzese, Fabio (2014): "Individuelle und kontextuelle Determinanten nachbarschaftlichen Kontaktes", In: Häring, Armando; Klein (ed.), Der Partnermarkt und die Gelegenheiten des Kennenlernens, Springer VS, Wiesbaden, pp. 301 - 322.
Börsch-Supan, Axel (2014): "Success - but sustainability? The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE)", In: Adrian Dusa, Dietrich Nelle (ed.), Facing the Future, SCIVERO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 89 - 97.
Börsch-Supan, Axel (2014): "Reformprozess der Altersvorsorge", In: Masuch, Peter (ed.), Grundlagen und Herausforderungen des Sozialstaats - Denkschrift 60 Jahre Bundessozialgericht, Band 1, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, pp. 711 - 728.
Bergmann, Michael; Plischke, Thomas (2013): "Opposition macht mobil: Zur Bedeutung von differenzieller Mobilisierung bei Landtagswahlen", In: Koalitionen, Kandidaten, Kommunikation. Analysen zur Bundestagswahl 2009, Springer VS, Wiesbaden, pp. 303 - 325.
Bucher-Koenen, Tabea; Mazzonna, Fabrizio (2013): "The recent economic crisis and old-age health in Europe", In: Börsch-Supan, Axel (ed.), Active ageing and solidarity between generations in Europe, de Gruyter, pp. 233 - 242.
Czaplicki, Christin; Mika, Tatjana (2013): "Reconciliation of Care and Work in Germany", In: Crespi, Isabella and Tina Miller (ed.), Family, Care and Work in Europe: an Issue of Gender?, eum edizioni , università di macerata, pp. 47 - 82.