Behavioural risks factors and preventative COVID-19 measures amongst a high-risk population | Munich Center for the Economics of Aging - MEA
SHARE - Research

Behavioural risks factors and preventative COVID-19 measures amongst a high-risk population

The focus of the  study is to investigate the reaction to the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic of an already at-risk population, while considering other potential behavioural risks, such as smoking, obesity, physical inactivity and unhealthy eating. Using wave 8 SHARE data to identify behavioural risk and SHARE COVID data to identify engagement in preventative measures, we attempt to answer the questions: to what extent are individuals of a risk group that engage in the aforementioned behavioural risks more or less likely to engage in different preventative measures as a consequence of the threat of the pandemic? IN which way does this behaviour differ across Europe?  Answers to these questions will shed some light on the motivations triggering recent preventative behaviours as well as provide a foundation to study potential for behavioural change in future SHARE waves.